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The Optimism Collective

The Optimism Collective

Scaling Ethereum's Present to provide funding for its future.
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Permissionless Fault Proofs and Stage 1 Arrive to the OP Stack

Governance-approved, permissionless fault proofs are live on OP Mainnet, and with them the OP Stack arrives at Stage 1. This is a monumental milestone for the Superchain, and soon more OP Stack Chains will upgrade to include this functionality, starting with Base, Metal, Mode, and Zora.
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Welcoming L3s to the Superchain

The Optimism Collective holds a shared, long-standing commitment to scaling Ethereum. From our technology stack to our values structure, it’s core to everything we do. The OP Stack, the open standard codebase that powers development on the Superchain, isn’t limited to L2 chain deployers and app builders; it can also be leveraged by an ecosystem of L3s.
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Redstone Mainnet is Live, Featuring Plasma Mode

Today, Redstone Mainnet is officially live and part of the Superchain, making it easy for anyone to build and deploy onchain games and autonomous worlds.
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Welcoming World Chain to the Superchain

As one of its earliest proponents, Worldcoin saw the Superchain’s potential to grow as a network of L2s that share security, a communication layer, and an open-source tech stack.
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850M OP Dedicated to the Evolution of Retro Funding

At its core, Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) embodies a vision of collaboration and collective success.
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Celebrating Superchain Creativity: Announcing the Winners of "We ❤️The Art"

Amidst a whirlwind of creativity, We ❤️The Art has reached its conclusion, after seeing 7,000+ submissions seize this OPportunity to share their art - we are thrilled to unveil the winners.
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RetroPGF 3: Learnings & Reflections

Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) is an economic flywheel that rewards positive impact to the Optimism Collective. Without public goods funding, core tools and infrastructure required to keep blockchains running and ecosystems thriving might not have the resources for ongoing operations, or building their vision in the first place. Optimism’s vision is to create a strong incentive for the creation of public goods, resulting in an ecosystem where collaboration becomes the winning strategy.
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Drop #4: Create together, benefit together

⚠️ Stay safe: ⚠️ Only trust tweets from @Optimism or @OptimismGov. Double check the domain -- optimism.io or app.optimism.io.
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Introducing the Optimism Collective’s Security Council

On February 9, the Collective marked the launch of its first Security Council with the execution of an onchain transaction establishing a 2/2 multisig that is authorized to sign protocol upgrades for OP Mainnet. The two signers on the multisig are the Optimism Foundation and the Collective’s first Security Council.